DATE: May 6 at 1pm
LOCATION: Three Rivers College Baseball & Softball Fields
We are excited to host the MLB Pitch Hit and Run competition for baseball and softball players from age 7 to 14. Pitch, Hit & Run gives boys and girls the chance to showcase their pitching, hitting and running abilities. There are two separate divisions of Pitch Hit & Run; baseball and softball. Participants may compete in either division.
Pre-registration for the event can be completed online at or on the day of the event. There is NO registration fee to compete in Pitch, Hit & Run. A valid birth certificate must be brought with you to the event for each participant.
Major League Baseball Pitch, Hit & Run tests three of the most fundamental aspects of baseball/softball -- pitching, hitting and running.

Objective: The PITCH portion of the program will test how accurately a competitor can throw strikes to a designated "Strike Zone" target from a designated distance.
Each competitor receives six (6) attempts to hit the designated "Strike Zone" target which is 17" x 30"
Competitors in the baseball division pitch/throw a standard baseball from 45 feet
Competitors in the softball division pitch/throw from 35 feet using an 11-inch softball for ages 7 - 10 and a 12-inch softball for ages 11 - 14
Read more online at "The Pitch."

Objective: The HIT portion of the program will test a competitor's ability to hit a centerfield line-drive from a stationary batting tee.
Each competitor will be allowed three swings in an attempt to hit the ball with the best one being scored
Swing and miss counts the same as a hit ball

Objective: The RUN portion of the program will measure a competitor's speed in a sprint from the start line, touching third base, and touching home plate. All participants will run a total of 120 feet.
The competitor will start near second base.
He/she will begin from a standing start, and begin running when the administrator yells GO!
The runner will be timed from the moment he/she leaves second base, touches an anchored third base, and touches home plate. No sliding is allowed.
REMEMBER: A valid birth certificate must be brought with you to the event for each participant.
Age Verification Chart
Age is determined as of July 17, 2018. A valid birth certificate must be brought with you to the event for each participant.
The following chart is an age group breakdown for the Major League Baseball Pitch Hit & Run events in 2018:
Age 7/8 born July 18, 2009 - July 17, 2011
Age 9/10 born July 18, 2007 - July 17, 2009
Age 11/12 born July 18, 2005 - July 17, 2007
Age 13/14 born July 18, 2003 - July 17, 2005
