The Foundation For Baseball is excited to announce that former Cardinal's pitcher, Mark Littel, has been named to the Cardinals Legacy Foundation for Baseball Executive Board. Littell, part of the 1982 World Series Champion Cardinals, is a coach, author and inventor. His book, On the Eighth Day, God Made Baseball, is available in softback, also available for the Kindle and on Audible. #Cardinals #WorldSeries #StLouisCardinals #GodMadeBaseball
Littell's invention, The Nutty Buddy, a protective cup that won top honors from the Industrial Design Society of America, is quickly becoming the top protective cup chosen by players and umpires. Mark is well known for his funny and creative testing procedures to show the effectiveness of his Nutty Buddy. #NuttyBuddy #CupsRequired #IndustrialDesign #IndustrialDesignSociety
In 2016, Mark was named to the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame. Littell is also an online mentor and online instructor with OnlineSportsMentor.com. #MissouriHallOfFame #HallOfFame #SportsHallOfFame
Littell grew up in Gideon Missouri and was signed to the majors out of high school in 1971 by the Kansas City Royals and had his major league debut in June, 1973. In 1978 he was traded to the Cardinals where he played with St Louis Hall of Famers Ozzie Smith and Bruce Suter and other baseball icons like McGee, Herr, Andujar and Hernandez. After his 11 years as a player, Mark accrued 18 years as as a minor-league pitching coach with San Diego, Milwaukee, Kansas City, and the Dodgers. #OzzieSmith #WillieMcGee #TommyHerr #Andujar #KeithHernandez #MinorLeague #MLB #MajorLeague #SanDiegoPadres #Padres #MilwaukeeBrewers #Brewers #KansasCityRoyals #Royals #LosAngelesDodgers #LADodgers #Dodgers #BruceSuter #minorLeagueCoach #pitchingCoach #Gideon #GideonMo
With Littell's years of major league player experience, he increases the board's MLB years of experience to 42 years and increases the Cardinal's Legacy timeline coverage to 22 years of the 129 year history.
President of the Board, James Becker stated following the meeting accepting Littell to the board, "We are proud to have Mark join our board. Growing up in Gideon gives Mark an outstanding perspective for the benefits and drawbacks of small-town baseball. Mark also understands how important it is to help players from our area get the exposure needed to play after high school."