The Cardinals Legacy Foundation for Baseball is proud to announce the addition of Tom Hemby to our executive board.

Tom Hemby grew up playing, but not baseball. He started playing guitar at age seven. He was a natural and yet that wasn't enough for his dad, he pushed Tom past the natural into the practice-makes-perfect world. #practiceMakesPerfect
Over the years, Hemby's talent and work ethic propelled him into one of Nashville's elite musicians and go-to guitarist for the likes of Glen Campbell, Amy Grant, Yolanda Adams, Michael W. Smith, Chaka Khan, Garth Brooks, The Gaither Vocal Band, Kenny Loggins, Wynonna Judd, Israel & New Breed, Faith Hill, Brian McKnight, and Andy Williams. In Hemby's house sits 1 Grammy and 4 Dove awards including Instrumental Album of the Year in 2004 for An Acoustic Christmas with Tom Hemby. #albumOfTheYear #instrumental #GrammyAward #DoveAward #GlenCampbell #AmyGrant #YolandaAdams #MichaelWSmith #ChakaKhan #GarthBrooks #GaitherVocalBand #KenyLoggins #WynonnaJudd #IsraelAndNewBreed #FaithHill #BrianMcKnight #AndyWilliams
Though Hemby didn't play baseball growing up, he's been a life-long fan. He recalls his early years when collecting baseball cards was all the rage. "All of us boys in grade school use to gamble for them on the playground during recess. We’d lean a card against a wall, step back 20 feet and take turns flinging cards at it. Whoever threw the card that knocked it down, won the whole pile," shared Hemby. #StLouisCardianls #Cardinals

Hemby attended his first Cardinal game as part of a Puxico High School FFA field trip. Hemby was captivated by the sport. He would have never imagined, forty years later, he would have met two St Louis managers and calls one, Tony LaRussa, his good friend. #Puxico #FFA #TonyLaRussa #MikeMatheny
The time, energy and talent necessary for Hemby to become a first-call guitarist, his love for baseball, and his knowledge of growing up in Southeast Missouri were all great reasons to bring Hemby "on-board." #SoutheastMissouri
Brian Becker, stated, "I've known Tom for over 30 years. Every time I see him, we talk about baseball and the Cardinals. He knows first-hand the drawbacks and blessings of growing up in rural Missouri. Selecting Tom as one of our Executive Board members is a great fit and he's eager to help high schoolers who excel at baseball to fulfill their dream." #BrianBecker
Hemby becomes the 5th member of the executive board along with Chad Kreuter, Gregg Olson, Mark Littell and James becker. #ChadKreuter #GreggOlson #MarkLittell #JamesBecker #TomHemby