The Foundation for Baseball is excited to announce that Gregg Olson, the 1989 American League Rookie of the Year, has joined our Executive Board. Olson, now the CEO and founder of Toolshed Sports International, brings both a player and business-mind to the table. Toolshed sliders are worn by 27 MLB teams and the US Mens Volleyball team.
Check out Gregg's 29 Unwritten Rules of Baseball from April 2018.
#MLB Professional career
Baltimore Orioles (1988-1993 #baltimoreorioles #orioles), Atlanta Braves (1994 #atlantabraves #braves), Cleveland Indians (1995 #clevelandindians #indians), Kansas City Royals (1995, 1997 #kansascityroyals #royals), Detroit Tigers (1996 #detroittigers, #tigers), Houston Astros (1996 #houstonastros, #astros), Minnesota Twins (1997 #minnesotatwins), Arizona Diamondbacks (1998–99 #arizonadiamondbacks #diamonbacks) and Los Angeles Dodgers (2000–01 #losangelesdodgers #dodgers).
Olson threw right-handed. Olson is the Orioles all-time Saves leader with 160 as the Orioles closer (#closer).
Olson came into save situations blowing people away with his 90-plus fastball and a devastating curveball known as "Uncle Charlie." (#unclecharlie #fastball #curveball) He was drafted by the Orioles (#orioles) in the 1st round (4th pick) of the 1988 amateur draft, and was given a $200,000 signing bonus before making his debut late in the season.

In 1989, Olson became the first reliever to win the American League Rookie of the Year Award (#rookieoftheyear #americanleague). Olson also set an American League rookie record with 27 saves, and had a 5-2 mark with a 1.69 ERA, 90 strikeouts and 85 innings.
Selected to the All-Star team in 1990, Olson set a club record of 37 saves during the season and collected 31 and 36 in the next two years. (#record) On July 13, 1991, Olson combined with 3 other Baltimore pitchers in a no-hitter against the Oakland Athletics (#combinednohitter).
In August 1993, Olson suffered a torn elbow ligament injury that sidelined him for the rest of the year. He finished with 29 saves and a career low 1.60 ERA. (from Wikipedia)